Murad Mornel's profileMurad Rustamli's profile

44 Days of the Karabakh War II

44 Days of the Karabakh War II
Since the beginning of the Karabakh War II, I have started my fight behind my laptop screen against Armenian separatists, terrorists and fake world media. Besides military activities, I understood that information war is crucial as well. 
"44 Days of the Karabakh War II" demonstrates my works during the war. Some of these posters are made with tears of happiness and proud, while others are made with tears of sadness and hatred. 
However, Azerbaijan won this fight and proved the world that Azerbaijan is not a loser as it was in 1988-1994! I am proud of my country that we have not committed any war crimes, even though, armenian government tried to prove, but they failed because there were no such crimes committed by Azerbaijan.
Murad Mornel

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44 Days of the Karabakh War II

Project Made For

44 Days of the Karabakh War II

44 Days of the Karabakh War II Since the beginning of the Karabakh War II, I have started my fight behind my laptop screen against Armenian sepa Read More
